Thursday, December 24, 2009

10 new year's resolutions

1. Be healthier
2. Be richer
3. Secret and not for public consumption
4. Get better results in exam
5. Peace in malaysia
6. Secret and not for public consumption
7. Better health for my family
8. Make my blog more readable
9. Make more friends
10. Secret and not for public consumption

Pic designed by marilyn

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

song change

hebe- she'd the one
boys like girls - two is better than one
jet - that girl is a genius

Friday, December 18, 2009

is a united malaysia a myth? (7) the disunity among malays

To a achieve a united malaysia, first the malays who are majority in this country have to be united... Ill give an example... A malay student from a chinese primary school cannot enter maktab rendah sains (residence school). When her mum went to ask the education ministry, they told her that malays from chinese school cannot enter these schools... These schools are opened to help malays, not some malays but all malays.. But why would they discrminate against their own people... Will studying in a chinese school make them less malay? Another example, my another malay friend didn't even apply for the matriculation programme, but in the end he got it... Guess how he got it... His dad knew someone in the upper level.... When you get something without even trying, then you will not appreciate it... So he drop out frm the programme after 1 week and went for private university.... Therefore, i think now malays are divided into 2 main branchs, the rich and influential and the opposite.. How can we malaysians be united if the malays aren't united at all

Thursday, December 17, 2009

is a united malaysia a myth? (6) single stream school

Can a single stream school work? I personally think not.. If this single stream school is approved to be done in malaysia, then we will all lose our identities... Last month, a few of my malay frens ask me to join the fb group that supports this single stream school... I straightaway ignored their requests.. Because i came from a chinese primary school, therefore i know it feels like to study your mather tongue... The way we learn the chinese poems.. The fun we had.. If single stream school is approved, mother tongue will not be taught in the schools, im sure of it.. In my year in st johns, no one took chinese in spm.. Why? Cuz no teachers were available.. We are talking about a premier school here.. The school where our prime minister and our home minister used to study at.. If st johns cannot do it, i don't think schools especially in the rural areas can do it.. I still see the need to have different kinds of schools such as religious schools and chinese independant schools.. All these schools are our indentities and we cannot afford to lose them because of a few idiots who cannot even speak their mother tongue!!

is a united malaysia a myth? (5) the feeling of envy

We all feel evy of each other.. The malays envy the non malays to be so successful.. The non malays envy the malays for their special rights which includes discount when buying house, scholarships and preference in university entrance... But have anyone started thinking why is all this happening.. The answer is simple.. The non malays struggle to survive and work hard to earn a living. That is why they are successful.. I am not saying that the malays are not hardworking.. Its just that they are not as hardworking.. This is because of the government.... These 'walking stick' that the government is providing to the malays are causing all this to happen... They become dependent to the government and always thinking about insentives... Ever wonder why the public sector is filled with malays officials whereas the non malays flock to the private sector? This is why....

is a united malaysia a myth? (4) scholarship allocation to students

Every year, scholarships are given to students after they got their spm results... We have JPA, MARA, and other scholarship.. MARA is for bumiputera so im not going to talk about that.. I am going discuss here about Petronas scholarship.. I still remember i have applied for it along with the schools top 30 in exam.... Guess what, 2 malays got it... We were like what!! There is only a malay student in top 10.. 85 percent of the top 20 are non malays.. How was that possible? I paid for the fuckin application form.. It cost more than RM20...Well Petronas next time u want to give scholarship, please state there only for malays.. Then we'll not apply for it and waste our time and effort.... WTF

is a united malaysia a myth? (3) a common language

To achieve unity, all must have a common language to communicate with... For malaysia, we have our BM.... But most of the malays do not want to master englsh... Many non malays do not want to even speak in BM cuz some boast that they want to stay overseas. But most of them didn't manage to achieve that.. So how can integration between races happen? Malays should learn english and not be Jaguh Kampung but must compete internationally.. Non malays must put down their egoism and master Bm as this is the national language.. Therefore, english and Bm have to be used as a communication tool for malaysians to communicate...

is a united malaysia a myth? (2) University

Everybody knows that you'll see majority malays in public university and majority non malays in private university... Why is this happening? Are the non malays richer and the malays poorer? Nope... The answer is there exist a quota in public university.. Only matriculation and STPM students can enter them... Guess wat.. Only 10 percent of non malays can enter matriculation... That is what they say... I personally think its less than 5 percent. And STPM? Its the second hardest exam in the world... Plus, public uni prefer matriculation students than STPM students... U do the math... In my class during my STPM years, there are no malays in it.. So, how can non malays get in public U?

is a united malaysia a myth? (1) 1Malaysia

I personally believe our prime minister is going on the right path. He is doing everything he can to achieve 1 Malaysia his brainchild... But are the rest of his counterparts in BN following his footsteps? I think not... Then, can we rely on Pakatan Rakyat to deliver us a united malaysia.. I think its even more impossible.. Anwar with his sodomy case still on will not have time to do anything else.. Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Siang are old and should retire.. Same goes to Hadi Awang and Nik Aziz... How about the royalty? Can we rely on them? With the infighting among them... The recent one is the bickering between the princes of Kelantan.. They even brought their fighting in to the court... Can us malaysian have a united country to live in?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

form 6 gathering

........................................... form 6 frens
frm left... lup hoe, chee kien, ai han, me, param

Thursday, December 10, 2009

my past (6)

The 1st time i met this guy is during form 1 when signing up for scouts. . His name is shaiful.. At the start, everytime he saw me, he will tell me he had a friend with my surname Ng.. I was like SO!! I was like a endangered species to him.. Never seen many chinese i guess during his primary school years.. He is different from me.. Cuz that time i always score higher than him in KH his fav subject.. He will be like im better than you in practical.. He told me theory cannot help me go far.. LOL.. Then after spm, he got into matriculation... So when i told i didn't get into matricualtion, he was like 'kenapa ya..' Then he was looking down.. I was trying to catch his eyes and he was avoiding his gaze.. He knew and i knew why i didn't get it.. Something to do with Malaysia's constitution.. I cannot elaborate cuz if any 1 from the home ministry saw this, i'll get into a lot of trouble including ISA.. Then after he finished his matriculation, he got JPA scholarship to study at USM... Again something to do with the constitution.... Ever seen a STPM leaver got JPA scholarship? Anyway, he is my best friend and will always be.. Taught me loads of things this guy.. Make me who i am today

hair cut day

Few days ago i had my hair cut at the shop at OTK... A pretty girl cut hair for me.. That time nt many customers, so she cut very slow n steady.. haha.. quite nice also la she cut... Somemore quite cheap.. Those guys who lived nearby my house if want to cut hair can go to this place... Its located at the highest floor of Plaza Idaman.. RM12.. quite cheap.. Very easy to recognise the shop cuz the workers there are beautiful chicks.. Well.. most of them are

Monday, December 7, 2009

my past (5)

On that same year, there was this guy came into our class after a few months. His name was vickness.. He keep boasting he managed to get into the school because his father was a branch chairman in MIC.. As if we care.. This fucker was only good at one thing which is copying every single one of my homework.. Then aizat AF(Akedemi Fantasia) and niqi, they sat nearby my seat.. i always joined their conversation.. i remembered they talked bout bodybuilding and something about manage to peep a naked women through one of their windows.. something like that.. I don't remember the details..

my past (4)

When i was in form 2, my class teacher Pn Zainab chose me as class chairman.. At that time, i think she is one of the good looking teacher in SJI.. lol.. And our hormones started to bother us.. In a all boy school, i think that is pretty normal. I dunno about others but i simply cannot concentrate during her class... My eyes were constantly locking on her ass.. seriously.. That is y i looked forward to every BM class.. haha.. She had this condition.. She had headache all the time... One day, our class fees were stolen from her handbag.. That was the 1st time i saw her cry.. She cried in front of our class... I dont know whether she gt the money back.. After that year i never saw her anymore.. She transferred to other school

my past (3)

Then my class teacher was pn. najwa.. i remembered she asked us one day who got 5 As in upsr.. i remember quite a number of them raised their hands.. Of cuz i didn't raise my hand.. I gt 7 As.. ha ha.. Then she did a unbelievable thing.. She appointed all those 5 As students to be junior prefects.. lol.. I of cuz didn't got to be one cuz she didn't know i gt 7As.. I was not going to tell her then.. Then when i got 1st in class, every1 was shocked.. ha ha

my past (2)

I remember that time during form 1, i made a few good frens.. Since we were putra lrt users, we traveled back everyday. ahmad farid, zul shauqi, muzzafar and a few more people that i cant remember.. We used to sit in the middle of the train on the floor!!! Those who r familiar with putra will know that putra lrt hav a metal floor in the middle on the train.. We just sat there everyday... everybody will be looking at us.. I was sure they were thinking wat the hell these boys were doing.. But we did't care.. We were carefree and innocent.. We sat there and we chatted everyday.. Of cuz i was more to a listener...Crazy people u may think.. Now if anyone ask me to do this now, i wouldn't dare to ..

my past (1)

I'll talk about my secondary school life as my primary school life is quite dull.. When i entered st johns in form 1, i suffered culture shock, language barrier and lack of means to communicate... Just imagine a kid who was only equiped with mandarin, a bit of bm n english came to a class that had no one speaking mandarin!!! My english sucks and i knew basic bm that time cuz frm my primary school days i hav been a member of the bm club.. thank god.. A kid frm a chinese primary school then start to integrate with other students especially the malay students...

football manager 2010

i hav been playing this game for a few weeks.... i managed liverpool for the 1st season and manage to win the champions league on my 1st season.. lol... sacked on the 2nd season.. then became manager for florentina and manage to bring them up frm 12th place to 7th place to qualify for the europa league.. bored of the game.. want to delete it

Thursday, December 3, 2009

song change

song change to the saltwater room by owl city

Thursday, November 26, 2009

WTF.. 50 only..

i just got my result for b law... WTF 50 out of 100.. i have no idea how did i go this. i dont find it tough.. its quite easy actually.. u just need to memorise.. i did that!! mark properly la lecturer

Friday, November 20, 2009

review on 2012

if anyone likes to watch the destruction of earth, this is the movie for them.... plenty of destruction to watch. but if you want to watch a fairly good movie, don't count this movie in. just imagine a guy from chicago manage to bring his family to chicago to china during the crashing of earth and none of them died until they reach the arch. just simply impossible.. even luck cannot bring you that far... however there is some humour in the movie. USING VOICE RECOGNITION TO START A CAR.. funny especially when said with a russian accent.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No champions league for liverpool this year??

Liverpool did it again!!! Lucky goal frm babel didn't give them 3 points... Only 4 points after 4 matches in champions league... Nice one.. i suggest sack rafa and sell all the players except gerard, torres and reina

First blog

Well.. this is my first blog