Thursday, December 17, 2009

is a united malaysia a myth? (6) single stream school

Can a single stream school work? I personally think not.. If this single stream school is approved to be done in malaysia, then we will all lose our identities... Last month, a few of my malay frens ask me to join the fb group that supports this single stream school... I straightaway ignored their requests.. Because i came from a chinese primary school, therefore i know it feels like to study your mather tongue... The way we learn the chinese poems.. The fun we had.. If single stream school is approved, mother tongue will not be taught in the schools, im sure of it.. In my year in st johns, no one took chinese in spm.. Why? Cuz no teachers were available.. We are talking about a premier school here.. The school where our prime minister and our home minister used to study at.. If st johns cannot do it, i don't think schools especially in the rural areas can do it.. I still see the need to have different kinds of schools such as religious schools and chinese independant schools.. All these schools are our indentities and we cannot afford to lose them because of a few idiots who cannot even speak their mother tongue!!


  1. You got your argument that we will all lose our identities if we abolish vernacular schools is just plainly wrong.I have dozens of non-malay friends especially chinese who went to the same primary school(which happened not to be an indian/malay/chinese school) as mine who are doing well with their individual heritage.My indian friend and I went to a chinese kindergarten but yet he is still and indian and I'm still a malay.The point is,the medium will not determine whether you can speak your mother tongue or not.Your parents will especially your mother.You acquire your first language from your mother by using the language at home.There is a reason why they use the term "mother tongue".Without a unified education system,the country will always been in a state of division.The inequality of education that the citizens receive will result into racial tension because vernacular schools including Mara schools are producing racists and bigots.

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  4. The opposition speaks of equality etc everyday which is a good thing because in modern age,only a govt that champion equality can survive but r those ppl really fighting for equality?Neither the govt nor the opposition will allow the abolishment of vernacular schools in the name of preserving wht kind of equality r we looking at in the distant future?The problem with Malaysia is not its politics but its divided education system.If we cant have an equal education from the very beginning,do not talk about equality in rights as citizens or even as human beings for that matter.Because only through equal education can all malaysians learn that none of them r better than the other and they are Malaysians first before malay,chinese or indian.Before we have such mentality,the three races will live in a fake harmony where we live in accordance to our indifference attitude towards each other.
