Thursday, December 10, 2009

my past (6)

The 1st time i met this guy is during form 1 when signing up for scouts. . His name is shaiful.. At the start, everytime he saw me, he will tell me he had a friend with my surname Ng.. I was like SO!! I was like a endangered species to him.. Never seen many chinese i guess during his primary school years.. He is different from me.. Cuz that time i always score higher than him in KH his fav subject.. He will be like im better than you in practical.. He told me theory cannot help me go far.. LOL.. Then after spm, he got into matriculation... So when i told i didn't get into matricualtion, he was like 'kenapa ya..' Then he was looking down.. I was trying to catch his eyes and he was avoiding his gaze.. He knew and i knew why i didn't get it.. Something to do with Malaysia's constitution.. I cannot elaborate cuz if any 1 from the home ministry saw this, i'll get into a lot of trouble including ISA.. Then after he finished his matriculation, he got JPA scholarship to study at USM... Again something to do with the constitution.... Ever seen a STPM leaver got JPA scholarship? Anyway, he is my best friend and will always be.. Taught me loads of things this guy.. Make me who i am today

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